New podcast episodes live, ITS Leaders Community Forum registration open
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New podcast episodes live, ITS Leaders Community Forum registration open͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌  ͏‌
CultureShoc Newsletter
Into the Storm Leaders Podcast

Into the Storm Leaders Podcast Spotlight

Episode 12 - Taking a One Month Sabbatical

In this episode we dive into a conversation with Michael Cantor, the President, Chairman, and Founding Principal of Allegro Realty. We discuss the importance of vulnerability in leadership and how Dan Sullivan's Strategic Coach system helped him better align his role with work that brings him energy.

Listen Now ➔ 

Episode 13 - Growing a Successful Tree Care Business

After spending time at a 350-year-old Rinzai Zen Buddhist Monastery in Japan, Harrison followed a passion for botany by starting a tree care business. He shares his perspective on leadership and how disciplines around mindfulness have enabled him to ditch the 9-5 job that so many of us feel stuck in.

Listen Now

Coming Soon: Jeff Kadlic of Evolution Capital Partners & Victoria Marquez-Schultz of OxyGo!

ITS Leaders Community Forum

Community Forum Registration is Open!

Registration is now open for the next development forum for emerging leaders!

We're making this program more accessible with a new group starting every quarter. You can now enroll team members knowing they'll be able to attend all sessions, no matter the cohort. Register HERE for our Q1 Kickoff January 18-19, 2024! You can also schedule a call with one of our facilitators HERE.

Ashton Technology Solutions

Client Shout Out: Ashton Technology Solutions

One of the Core Values at Ashton Technology Solutions is HUNGRY - Never satisfied.

Kimberly Dyer conducted a workshop this month on team trust which included a section on Patrick Lencioni's Five Dysfunctions of a Team model. If you haven't read this book... IT IS A MUST READ! Shoot us a note and we'll ship you a copy on the house!

Traction Leadership Center

Traction Leadership Center: Open During Construction

We know the importance of a distraction-free space curated for people to work ON the business and solve real problems. For that reason, and due to client demand, our office expansion is well underway! Big thanks to all our clients who've been flexible enough to forgive our mess or relocate a session to a nearby venue during this process.

Gain Clarity on Your Company Vision

Looking for Clarity on Your Company Vision?

The V/TO™ is a simple and incredibly powerful tool for getting clarity on your business. There's a personal version as well! We've seen and experienced the impact it can have, we'd love to share a copy and walk through it with anyone interested!


Cleveland Construction

Client Shout Out: Cleveland Construction

We had the honor of partnering with Cleveland Construction in their 12th annual management conference this month. Their authenitic and relatable philosophy of work hard and play hard was evident as we facilitated workshops around Intentional Trust and Positive Accountability before the food trucks rolled up for a cornhole tournament! Looking forward to doing some more great work with this new partner!

Parting Thought from Joe

"Complexity is the enemy of execution. The V/TO simplifies the complexities of running a business into a clear, actionable plan. Simplify to execute, and execute to succeed." - Inspired by Gino Wickman

Joe Buffalo Animation

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